Computer Science

To find out more, click on the appropriate heading below.


During KS3 pupils receive one lesson per week of computing education in one of our three well-equipped ICT suites.

The programme of study is designed to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum for England, but is enriched by further opportunities for digital creativity, using a range of innovative hardware and software. Pupils are expected to complete two pieces of homework and one formal assessment approximately every half term.

The curriculum is supplemented by weekly extra-curricular activities; Coding Club and #TechFutureGirls and daily lunch time drop-ins in the main ICT suite.


  • To ensure that pupils:
    are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology
  • can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
  • can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems


Year 7

  • ICT induction / digital literacy
  • Using computers safely, effectively and responsibly
  • Data handling with spreadsheets
  • Computational thinking
  • Hardware, software and types of computer
  • Computer graphics

Year 8

  • Computer crime and cyber security
  • Understanding computers
  • Data handling with spreadsheets II
  • Introduction to Python programming
  • Computer animation
  • Independent programming project

Year 9

  • Python programming: next steps
  • Database development
  • Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns of computing*
  • Computer networks
  • HTML and web development
  • Independent programming project

KS3 Computing


  • Gives learners a real, in-depth understanding of how computer technology works
  • Provides excellent preparation for higher study and employment in Computer Science
  • Develops critical thinking, analysis and problem-solving skills


Assessed viaTimeWeighting
Unit 1Computer SystemsExam1 hour 30 mins50%
Unit 2Computational thinking, algorithms & programmingExam1 hour 30 mins50%
Unit 3Programming projectNon examined assessment20 hours


Unit 1: Computer Systems

  • Systems Architecture
  • Memory and Storage
  • Systems Software
  • Wired and Wireless Networks
  • System security
  • Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns

Unit 2: Computational Thinking, Algorithms & Programming

  • Algorithms
  • Programming
  • Data representation
  • Computational Logic

Unit 3: Programming project

Pupils will apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in Units 1 & 2
to address a variety of engaging, practical tasks set by the exam board.

Projects will typically require design, development, programming, testing and evaluation.

Computer Science