Safeguarding and Child Protection

Safeguarding and Child Protection are the responsibilities of all permanent members of staff, temporary staff, supply or peripatetic staff, volunteers and anyone else coming into contact with children through the school.

If you have any safeguarding concerns

If you are concerned about the wellbeing of a student, please contact a member of the team without delay using the button on the right-hand side.

Visitors to the school – if you have any concerns, go to the school office and ask to speak to a member of the safeguarding team.

School Staff – record any concerns using MyConcern.

If you have any safeguarding concerns about any of our students,


Call us on 01298 23167

Or email us using the button below.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Team

Lead Safeguarding Officer

Miss Alison Pimblett

Miss Alison Pimblett

Miss Pimblett is supported in her role by several fully trained Deputy Safeguarding Officers

Mr David Redfern

Mr David Redfern

Mrs Julie Kawalek

Mrs Julie Kawalek

Mrs Leah Doherty-Perkins

Mrs Leah Doherty-Perkins

Mrs Rachael Taylor

Mrs Rachael Taylor

Mrs Rachel Brown

Mrs Rachel Brown

Mrs Rebecca Ward

Mrs Rebecca Ward

Mrs Sarah Lancett

Mrs Sarah Lancett

Other Teams


Pastoral Managers
Miss A Pimblett

Drug and Substance Misuse

Miss A Pimblett

Educational Visits

Miss V Parker

Family Support Work

Mrs R Taylor

SRS Area Manager

Derbyshire Social Services


Pastoral Staff

Miss A Pimblett

Appointed External Agency

Governor Responsible for S&CP

ISIC Board

Site and Security

Miss V Parker

Disaster and Crisis Management

Mr D Redfern

Staff Conduct / Allegations

Mr D Redfern

Mrs K Gritton

Miles Dent – LADO

Health and Safety Officer

Miss V Parker


Miss A Pimblett

Miss L Brocklesby

Pastoral Managers

Racist Incidents

Pastoral Staff

Miss A Pimblett

Prevent Channel

Miss A Pimblett

Looked After Children

Miss A Pimblett

Special Educational Needs

Mrs S Lancett

First Aid, Medical Accidents, Reporting and Care Plans

Please report to student reception

Other Agencies which offer students support outside of school are as follows:

Childline: 0800 1111

Faith in Families: 0115 9558811

Safe Speak: 01332 349301

Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Board:

Get Safe Online: