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To find out more, click on the appropriate heading below.
We aim to develop and encourage the use of mathematics both as a discipline in its own right and as a means of solving problems in a clear and logical way. Written, practical and
oral skills are to be used.
The syllabus is divided into 6 areas:
Number, Algebra, Ratio and proportion, Probability, Statistics and Geometry.
Pupils will be assessed using tests specifically aimed at
End of year tests closely mirror the structure of GCSE, with one calculator and one non-calculator paper each.
We aim to develop and encourage the use of mathematics both as a discipline in its own right and as a means of solving problems in a clear and logical way. Written, practical and
oral skills are to be used.
This syllabus will allow and encourage candidates to develop:
Number, Algebra, Ratio and proportion, Probability, Statistics and Geometry.
Higher Level or Foundation Level.
Assessment is by exam papers only: there is no coursework.
All exams will be taken at the end of year 11.
Students will sit three equally-weighted papers, one of which will be non-calculator. GCSE grades will be awarded on the new 9-1 scale.
This course is available for those pupils who are achieving levels 1-3 on the National Curriculum. Eight units of work are completed. Assessment is based on a combination of pupils’ class work and exams, which are taken at the end of each unit. Pupils are awarded Levels 1, 2 or 3 depending on the standard of work reached. Pupils can be entered for both GCSE and Entry level awards.