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Why do we do Religious Education?

Religious Education covers a wide range of topics, all of which help to improve your understanding of people and the religious influences on their lives.

You will discover and learn about how the beliefs and practices of religions affect the ways in which believers lead their lives. You will engage in ethical and moral thinking and into considering ideas such as value, meaning and commitment. You will also learn about and develop an understanding of the different major world faiths.

The programme of study is based on the people of God framework, which has been authorised by the Bishops of England and Wales.

You will learn the following skills:

  1. how to interpret and evaluate pieces of information;
  2. how to communicate and apply your knowledge;
  3. how to describe and analyse the key features of the religions studied;
  4. critical thinking and problem solving.
  5. Empathy and understanding of different people’s beliefs and practices

The following topics will be studied:

Year 7

Module 1: Belonging
Module 2: The person of Jesus
Module 3: Sacraments of initiation
Module 4: Mass/Eucharist
Module 5: Mary, Mother of Jesus
Module 6: Sikhism

Year 8

Module1: Discipleship
Module 2: Prophets old and new
Module 3: Salvation history
Module 4: Judaism
Module 5: Making moral decisions
Module 6: Science, religion, evil

Year 9

Module 1: The Church in Britain
Module 2: Pilgrimage
Module 3: Gospel values
Module 4: Islam

Year 9 start the GCSE course in the summer term of year 9.

Component 1 – Foundational Catholic Theology

Theme 1: origins and meaning.


You will be tested on each module (roughly every 6-7 weeks)
All assessments take the same format and are designed to prepare all pupils for the GCSE course.
You will also have an RE exam, this takes place during exam week. Each year group has a different exam week and you will be informed. You will be tested on everything you have learnt in that year in this exam.


Why Study Religious Studies?

Religious Studies covers a wide range of topics, all of which help to improve your understanding of people and the religious influences on their lives. A GCSE in Religious Studies will enable you to gain a qualification in a subject you will have been studying for most of your school life and build on the foundation that this study has provided. You will discover how the beliefs and practices of religions affect the ways in which believers lead their lives.
This course is also an excellent basis for moving on to an AS or Advanced GCE in Religious Studies. Having a GCSE in RE shows that you have a range of skills, including literacy and critical thinking skills and problem solving. It is welcomed by employers and FE colleges. It is useful for a number of careers e.g Law, Police work, social work, teaching, Medicine, caring work, nursing and hospital work

You will learn the following skills:

  1. how to interpret and evaluate pieces of information;
  2. how to communicate and apply your knowledge;
  3. how to describe and analyse the key features of the religions studied;
  4. critical thinking and problem solving.

The following topics will be studied:

Component 1 – Foundational Catholic Theology

Theme 1: origins and meaning.

Theme 2: Good and Evil.

Component 2 – Applied Catholic Theology

Theme 3: Life and Death.

Theme 4: Sin and Forgiveness.

Component 3 – study of Judaism

Candidates will study the beliefs, teachings and practices of Judaism.


The exam is assessed through 3 papers:

Component 1: Foundational Catholic Theology – 1hour 30 minutes

Component 2: Applied Catholic Theology -1 hour 30 minutes

Component 3: The study of Judaism – 1 hour.

There are no tiers. All learners will take the same papers and can achieve grades 1-9

There are no controlled assessments in RE