We do not discriminate against pupils who have a disability or special need.  Our priority is to meet the needs of all pupils including those pupils with any kind of Education Health Care Plan (EHC); to identify all pupils with any kind of learning need and to provide teaching and resources to address
those needs.

Pupils having difficulties are identified by their teachers, their parents or themselves. When it becomes clear that the pupil is having difficulties, the Learning Support Department assesses them to determine where help is needed.

Accessibility within the school is generally good with lift access available when necessary. A programme of ‘skills for life’ is available for some students at key stage 3 (years 7 to 9) and some alternative courses and provision is available for other students in years 10 and 11 (key stage 4).

We aim to overcome any and all barriers to learning. If you would like to discuss SEN need further, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Lancett via the school reception or direct email:

SEN Links


SEN Local Offer

The Local Offer is a description of all the services available to support disabled children and children with SEN and their families. This information should set out what is normally available in schools to help children with SEN as well as highlighting what support is available for families who need additional help to support children with more complex needs.

Derbyshire Local Offer

Our SENDCO is Mrs Lancett

SEND Policies

SEND Reports