Dress Code and Equipment

We appreciate the support that we receive from parents, carers and pupils to maintain the high standard of uniform at St Thomas More CVA.

Our Mission Statement states that we have “expectations of the highest possible standards in all things for all pupils…”

At St Thomas More, we are proud to wear our uniform. It contributes to our sense of belonging and our aspiration to #BeMore

Our school uniform is functional for everyday use, promotes a community identity and helps keep pupils safe. Our school uniform also promotes equality, as the same standards apply for all pupils.

ALL items in bold can only be purchased from our uniform suppliers.

Uniform Suppliers

Classworx Schoolwear

King Edward Road,


SK10 1AP

Tel: 01625 500552

Email: uniform@classworx.co.uk

School TieSchool Tie (clip-on for all years)
ShirtWhite (plain shirt (tucked into waistband of trousers/skirts)
After May half-term, short sleeves shirts may be worn.
TrousersPlain, black trousers, made from school uniform material. (jeans / cords / canvas / lined / skinny trousers, or leggings are not acceptable)
SkirtBlack, box pleat logo skirt - available from Classworx
JumperSchool maroon plain v-neck jumper with school logo (Key Stage 3 pupils)
School black plain v-neck jumper with school logo (Key Stage 4 pupils)
Socks/TightsPlain black or charcoal school socks. Pupils should not wear white socks.
Black opaque tights (not patterned)
ShoesBlack flat sensible shoes. Trainers must be polishable with no motif/logo. Boots must be plain black and ankle length. No canvas or open toe shoes - see appendix A for additional guidance
ShortsAfter May half-term, pupils can wear black tailored shorts as part of the summer uniform. No other shorts are permitted
HairHair should be neat and tidy without decorative attachments. Extreme styles, unnatural hair colours, tramlines, shaved shapes in the hair or eyebrows are not permitted
Make-upIf make-up is worn, it should be unobtrusive and natural looking, this includes lashes. Nails must be of a sensible length with natural looking nail varnish. Extreme length acrylic nails will not be accepted.
JewelleryThe only jewellery permitted is a wristwatch, a light chain crucifix (tucked inside the shirt), a single stud earring, a set of plain stud earrings, one in each ear, worn in the lower lobe. No other piercings / jewellery is permitted. NB all jewellery must be removed for PE lessons.
Mobile Phones and other electronic devicesThere is no need to bring electronic devices into school. Mobile phones must be switched off (not just on silent) and remain in the pupil’s bag whilst on the school site. If mobile phones are seen or heard, they will be confiscated. If a pupil has a mobile phone, visible on the school site, it will be confiscated as per the Mobile phone policy. The same applies to gaming devices, earphones, speakers and any other music device.
Logo PE Polo
Logo PE Hoodie
Logo PE Shorts
Plain black base layers (optional)
Black football socks (outdoor PE)
White ankle socks (indoor PE)
Trainers (NOT black soles) - no pumps, canvas or fabric shoes
Logo PE leggings (optional)
Plain black tracksuit bottoms (to be worn at the discretion of the teacher in Winter)
Football boots are highly recommended for outdoor football for both boys and girls
EQUIPMENTEvery student is expected to provide the following essential items of equipment for every lesson
Backpack - large enough to carry the following;
Felt tip pens or coloured pencils
Glue Stick
PE kit (when appropriate)
Pencil Eraser
Pens - black or blue pen, purple pen and red pen
Ruler - 30cm
Scientific Calculator

*the Academy does not take any responsibility for the loss of, or the damage to personal possessions brought onto site.

In all cases, the Headteacher has the discretion to decide what is and is not allowable under the policy.

The Role of Parents

We ask all parents who send their children to our school to support the school uniform policy. We believe that parents have a duty to send their children to school correctly dressed and ready for their daily schoolwork. One of the responsibilities of parents is to ensure that their child has the correct uniform and equipment, and that it is clean and in good repair.

Parental Requests

If any parent would like the school to modify the uniform and equipment policy, they should make representation, in the first instance, to the Headteacher. The school welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are serious reasons, for example on religious grounds, why parents want their child to wear clothes that differ from the school uniform, the school will look sympathetically at such requests.

The Role of Governors

The governing body implements the school uniform and equipment policy. It considers all representations from parents regarding uniform and liaises with the Headteacher to ensure that the policy is implemented fairly and with sensitivity. It is the governors’ responsibility to ensure that the school meets all regulations concerning equal opportunities. Governors ensure that the school uniform and equipment policy helps children to dress sensibly, in clothing that is hardwearing, safe and practical and equips children ready to learn.

If your child experiences difficulties with wearing the correct school uniform, please inform your child’s Form Tutor.