The Interim School Improvement Committee (ISIC) was established on 15th September 2023.
The Interim School Improvement Committee exists to provide interim expertise and high-quality governance to support the drive to ongoing school improvement and enhancement of Catholic Life and Collective Worship in a school that has fallen into an Ofsted category or where governance is not deemed strong enough to drive that improvement as it is currently configured.
The ISIC will have the powers previously held by the Local Governing Body as set out in the Diocesan Scheme of Delegation. Its key focus will be on ensuring there is:
- evidence of progress against the areas for improvement set out in the Ofsted inspection.
- evidence of progress in regard to Catholic Life and mission and Collective Worship; and
- Effective safeguarding remains in place.
The ISIC will fulfil all functions of a local governing body and will focus its support and constructive challenge in a way that ensures improvement and promotes the school’s Catholic mission and ensures high standards of educational achievement.
A member of the ISIC will be asked to participate in interviews for senior positions in the school.
The school’s Senior Leadership Team will provide the ISIC with regular information on the performance of all aspects of the school and will comply with any reasonable request from the ISIC for information. Information should be focussed on progress against the areas for improvement identified in the Ofsted report and also with regard to Catholic Life and Collective Worship.
The ISIC will conduct its business in an open and transparent way and in accordance with the principles of standards in public life as determined by the Nolan committee, and with reference to ‘The Good Governance, Standards for Public Services’ document produced by the Independent Commission for Good Governance in Public Services.
The ISIC is a corporate body and consequently no individual has the power to act alone, unless delegated to do so by the ISIC. Where functions have been delegated to an individual, or a group, they must report back to the full ISIC on actions taken under delegation at the earliest possible opportunity. The ISIC remains responsible for any action undertaken on its behalf under delegation.
Membership of the ISIC as follows:
- Helena Carrazedo – Foundation Director for SRS CMAT
- Fionuala Boucher – Deputy Director, NRCDES
- Kevin Gritton – SRS CMAT CEO (Chair of the ISIC)
- Sarah Lockyer – SRS CMAT Director of Performance and Standards
The ISIC also consists of 4 Associate Members (formerly governors on the LGB) as follows:
- Nicola Barnes
- Louise Davies
- Lorraine Maddocks
- Father Gerry Murphy
Associate members do not have voting rights but are able to contribute in all aspects of the ISICs work. The body has been called a committee to reflect that it has been established by the Trust Board and as such membership will be determined by the Trust Board.
Annual Reports and Accounts, Members and Trustees Information and Duties
Information in these areas is held on the St Ralph Sherwin Catholic Multi Academy Trust website or by clicking the link below:
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